Tuesday, November 18, 2014

5 Ways to Combat a Hacker Attack

5 Ways to Combat a Security Cracker Attack

Security crackers are an inevitable part of the cyber world. Whether we like it or not, security crackers will crack. Although we cannot stop these people from trying, we can however provide you with some tools and tips to help combat security crackers.

#1 Password Power:

Password power is a crucial first step to preventing security crackers from stealing your information. A combination of letters, numbers, and symbols is needed to reduce the chances of your password being stolen. In addition to this, the use of a password manager has also been proven to be helpful. This will generate random passwords, and also warn you when you are using the same password on multiple sites.  This way, if a security cracker were to guess your password, they would only gain access to that one account, not your entire life.

#2 Password Lock all Devices:

This is one of the initial steps to protect against security crackers.  Most of us own a tablet, computer, or smartphone.  These electronic devices house a lot of personal information.  These devices need to be locked, as they are key to your identity.  Even the simplest task of accessing one’s contacts can lead to a possible phishing attack against you and your friends.

#3 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

Initializing a two-factor authentication system is a good idea to protect against a security cracker. PortalGuard, a five layer user authentication solution-set, offers contextual authentication that creates transparent barriers to prevent unauthorized access and confirms user identities by validating multiple aspects of each user. The transparent barriers can validate something the user knows, has, does, etc. By using these transparent barriers, the authorized user is now allowed in, but the unauthorized user is kept out.

#4 Use a Secure Internet Connection:

Security crackers love to gain access to personal accounts through rogue Wi-Fi access points. This means that all one’s computer traffic will go through these fake access points. To prevent this from occurring, take some time to make sure you are entering a secure connection. Your Wi-Fi network, wherever you are, must be locked with a long, secure password and have a good encryption standard such as WPA/WPA2. Here is a link that shows you how to secure your home Wi-Fi.

#5 Don’t Link Accounts:

In this day in age, it is very hard to keep accounts separated on the Internet.  For example, numerous apps force you to use your Facebook login credentials to gain access to their webpage’s. If possible, use a separate account for each application.  This will decrease the chance of a security cracker gaining access to your entire cyber profile.

Cyber crimes are real and can happen to anyone. Take the precautions now to prevent your family, your friends, and yourself from a possible cracker attack.

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